RESIDENTS have shared their concerns about ideas to build 900 homes and a primary school on land east of Basingstoke.

As previously reported, Hampshire County Council (HCC) is developing design ideas for the land, located to the northeast of Basingstoke directly to the east of the Chineham Shopping area, Lillymill Chine and the A33.

It stretches from Redlands House and Redlands Lodge in the north down to Pyotts Hill/Bartons Lane in the South.

The emerging plans for the site are in the early stage of development and planners want to hear what residents and other stakeholders think of the early plans before submitting final proposals for a planning application.

There is the capacity for up to 900 homes at 35 dwellings per hectare and around 120 homes would be built in the first phase which is expected to be to the north of the new A33 junction access.

A primary school site location has been identified to the central west of the site, close to the geographical centre.

READ MORE: HCC: Plans to build 900 homes and school near Basingstoke

Basingstoke Gazette: The council's plan The council's plan (Image: HCC)

As well as this a local centre would provide community use, local shops, and other uses.

HCC hosted two face-to-face drop-in events where the team were on hand with further information about the project and to answer residents' questions. 

The Gazette attended one of the sessions on Thursday, July 13, at the Lychpit Community Hall to speak to residents who were not happy with the plans. 

Nicola Elliot, who has lived in the area for 36 years is worried about the bus route, which she said would operate down a narrow lane and bring higher volumes of traffic to the small area.

She said: "I think the idea is just ridiculous, dangerous and stupid because cars are already struggling to get around."

Ms Elliot also said she was worried about how the council will cope with the extra capacity, including bin collections.

Meanwhile, Catherine Robinsons said she is against the idea because Basingstoke is already "overdeveloped".

She said: "I am aware there is already a big development planned in Manydown and nothing has happened. My worry is that another 800 homes will add to the overdevelopment in Basingstoke. I am not sure local people need this, we don't need thousands more homes.

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"I can't believe we are looking to destroy an area like this."

She told the Gazette she is worried about the capacity of the hospital and other medical centres and said the development is a "step too far".

Cllr David Whiter from Old Basing and Lychpit Parish Council is also unhappy with the ideas.

He added: "We expect that some development is needed in the east of Basingstoke but this will swamp Old Basing and destroy the environment."

The council is looking to submit an outline planning application in six to nine months' time 

A spokesperson for HCC said: “We are grateful to the residents who attended our information events. The plans are at an early stage and all the feedback we gathered from the events held last week and will gain through the survey are invaluable in helping to inform the further plan development.

"Safety and the environment, of course, will be important considerations in the plans for new transport infrastructure and local services. There will be further opportunities for local residents and other interested parties to comment on the updated plans, later in the year.”