DURING the weekend Hampshire police officers responded to a number of reports following a car meet at a Basingstoke supermarket.

Basingstoke Cops took to Facebook to share the news on Sunday, July 16 after attending Asda in Brighton Hill.

They posted: "Officers from the Neighbourhoods Policing Team, Roads Policing and Country Watch attended Asda at Brighton Hill following a number of reports from the local community due to the noise and disruption.

"There was a large car meet causing a lot of anti-social behaviour and a small minority committing road traffic offences. Two drivers were warned under section 59 of the Police reform act (read more https://orlo.uk/5pEv7) and one was reported for offences related to drifting."

READ MORE: Staff employed to lock gates at Hatch Warren Retail Park

The news comes after progress has reportedly been made to secure Hatch Warren Retail Park against the car meets that disturb hundreds of families across the estate.

Hampshire County councillor Stephen Reid held a meeting with a representative of JLL, the company responsible for managing the car park.

Following the meeting he has said that he understands JLL is now minded to employ security guards to close and lock the gates at night after the shops have shut.