A HAMPSHIRE county councillor has called for a more robust police response to car meets in Basingstoke.

As previously reported, police were called to a report of a car meet at the Asda supermarket in Brighton Hill on Saturday, July 15.

A Hampshire Constabulary spokesperson said: "We were called about an unauthorised car meet in the ASDA car park in Brighton Way, Basingstoke, on the evening of Saturday 15 July.

"At one stage, the meet involved around 200 vehicles and a large number of bystanders.

"Officer attended. Two drivers were issued with S59 warnings. These are issued when a vehicle has been used in a manner causing alarm, distress and annoyance. If the driver or vehicle is subsequently stopped, a vehicle seizure may take place.

READ MORE: Brighton Hill Asda: Residents report large car meet

"Another driver was reported for offences related to drifting. The group later disperse."

Since then Cllr Stephen Reid, a Hampshire County councillor for Basingstoke, has written a letter, seen by Gazette, to Hampshire's police and crime commissioner Donna Jones.

It reads: "The South West of Basingstoke was subjected to an intolerable exhibition of dangerous driving, threat to life and noise intrusion on Saturday evening and I am asking you to direct more resources into controlling the problem."

The Gazette has asked police what they are doing to tackle such crimes.

A Hampshire Constabulary spokesperson added: "We take the issue of dangerous driving at car meets seriously.

"It endangers the lives of those behind the wheel, anyone watching and the general public, and we know they can have a significant impact on local communities.

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"In Basingstoke, we have worked closely with partners and businesses to help tackle these issues. This work has seen landowners install target hardening measures at sites in the town, such as ANPR cameras, CCTV, barriers and security guard patrols.

"Anyone who witnesses or is affected by the anti-social use of vehicles is urged to report it to us. Every single report is reviewed and tells us what is happening and where which allows us to target our resources where they are needed. People can make a report by calling us on 101 or via our website at hampshire.police.uk."

Ms Jones said: “I am aware of the significant impact car meets have on communities and I am being kept up to date by the police on incidents which generate a number of calls into the control room.

“These events are dangerous and people have been seriously injured.

“The police in Basingstoke responded to this specific incident and dispersed the group after issuing warnings to a number of drivers.

“I raised the ongoing issue with the Chief Constable and Chief Officers between nine and 12 months ago after seeing an escalation in the number of large-scale car meets across the county, and as a consequence, the force created a specific operation called Operation Chromium. This is designed to intercept intelligence on planned meets and respond to break them up and seize vehicles.

“The clear message is if you are organising or attending these events, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary will pursue those who break the law, they will seize vehicles and they will charge people for driving offences.”