BOROUGH councillors have agreed to seek to change national policy requiring housing associations to provide safe and decent floor coverings in new-let social properties. 

It is common practice for social landlords to let accommodations without providing flooring in any rooms other than kitchens and bathrooms.

Inside Housing estimates, 80 per cent of properties are let in this way. Tenants are required to remove and dispose of flooring before they leave a property, adding to their costs and increasing landfill disposals, irrespective of the condition of the floorings.  

During a full Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) meeting held on Thursday, July 20 a motion was put forward by the ward councillor for Chineham, Cllr Jenny Vaux.

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The motion asked for BDBC to write to the secretary of state for Levelling Up in a bid to change the current policy and set up a meeting with social housing providers.

Introducing the motion Cllr Vaux said: "Having safe and decent flooring in rented accommodation is a fundamental part of having a decent home. When I received a request for help from a resident in my ward who desperately needed floor coverings I thought it would be straightforward, how wrong was I?"

She told councillors that no one had a solution to the problem although they were aware of the situation.

She added: "It is usual practice for housing associates to insist tenants leaving remove flooring before they go and for new tenants to provide their own, often leaving them to occur debts. 

"Surely carpets in reasonably good quality, which can be professionally cleaned could be left for the next tenant rather than being sent to landfill.

"We want everyone to feel welcome here and have a decent home, we must therefore do everything we can to ensure safe and decent flooring is provided in newly let social housing in the borough."

Cllr Richard Court from the Conservative group, said the motion gives the borough an opportunity to try and get the "gold standard for boroughs".

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Labour councillor Alex Lee added: "I believe it is important that as members we do our best to provide a minimum decent standard of living. 

"Cold empty housing and housing that doesn't dampen the sound of residents above does not provide a safe place for children to learn to thrive to be children. It is important that we get housing associations to realise the importance of this to our residents and their children."

Cllr Laura James supported the motion and said there are "residents who can not afford to furnish a new home".

The motion was passed unanimously.