Every week and in every edition of the Gazette, we include community news from around Basingstoke and surrounding villages.

Buckskin and Highfields

A posse of people beat the bounds around the Buckskin and Highfields Estates last Tuesday. This was a planned walk to look at the area and its upkeep and to give the participants an opportunity to talk to local residents. The walking party included councillors Richard Court and Sean Dillow, housing representatives from Sovereign’s locality teams, an officer from Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s patrolling team, The centre co-ordinator of The Ridgeway Centre, and Buckskin Residents’ Action Group members, who had initiated the event. The group spoke to a number of residents on route and their comments and thoughts, together with the visual information gleaned, will be discussed at the next BRAG meeting on 19th September.

The amalgamation of Buckskin and Worting Community Association with Westside Community Association is moving ahead and will be finalised on 1st September. The change will not affect the running of either Westside Community Centre or The Ridgeway Centre, both of which will operate as at present.

Pete Dimond   


The Cliddesden Primary School Summer Fete and Family BBQ (held on Saturday 8th July) proved to be a huge success. Despite the very wet set-up, many people attended to help raise an impressive £2,000 for the school. Hayley Monckton-Smith (Secretary of The Friends of Cliddesden) said: “There was something for everyone, including ‘old skool’ games (such as hook-a-duck), a tombola, a KIA car raffle and many exciting stalls. Attendees had the chance to meet and groom Lilibet the horse and also to get up close with a fire engine from Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. The event ended with the Big Summer Raffle, in which there were great prizes: M&S vouchers (kindly donated by The Property Explorer), meal vouchers for local pubs and tickets for the Discovery Experience at the Bombay Sapphire Distillery, to name a few. The raffle alone raised £550 this year.

“The committee would like to thank everyone who took part: those who helped with the set up; Mr Hemphrey, our ever-handy caretaker; attendees; all the performers; and the volunteers running stalls. Thanks also to our sponsors: Snows KIA of Basingstoke and The Property Explorer. It was truly a great afternoon!”

Helen Walker

Hatch Warren and Beggarwood

Local Nature Reserve Status for Old Down: It would appear that the prospect of LNR status being awarded has receded again. In response to a question at the last borough council meeting, the new portfolio holder replied that part of the site is being held as potential access to another parcel of land. I had thought that the 'road through Old Down' idea had been dropped, so I am concerned and will investigate further.

Green Flag Status: Beggarwood Park has been awarded green flag status, which emphasises its value to our community. It also shows why the borough council and police were right to crack down on the recent illegal trespass on the field. It is a value community asset that deserves to be defended.

Summer Festival: The Community Association has published its thanks to everyone who volunteered to make the Summer Festival another massive hit. They specifically mentioned the Scouts, the traders who braved some windy and (at times) very wet conditions, the food vendors and the volunteers without whom they could not put these events on. And well done to Karen Coomber for her tireless organisation and hard work.

After School Club: The Community Association is looking for a flexible worker, who would enjoy supporting children at the after school club. You may wish to work one session or possibly five per week. Details are on the website and they would like to hear from anyone interested.

Call for Wellies! St Mark's School is collecting wellies for children across the school to use in its outdoor provision. If you have any spare, please pass them to the school office. 

Stephen Reid


Love Parks - Join us for a guided walk to learn more about Jubiloaks and the Oakley to Battledown path on Thursday, 3rd August. Meet at St John’s Car Park at 10.30am. Limited spaces - to book your place email jubiloaks@btinternet.com or call

01256 781456. For more information go to www.jubiloaks.org.uk or www.Basingstoke.gov.uk/loveparks.

Oakley Village Show takes place on Saturday 5th August, starting 1.30pm at Oakley CE Junior School

It’s the final countdown! Only a couple of weeks to go before the big day. There might still be time to finish off that needlework, take a stunning photograph or bake a practice lemon cake. (And, children, we want to see your entries too.)  But if not, come along anyway and enjoy a fun-filled community event where there is something for everyone!

Oakley Ramblers  - Thursday 27th July – morning, medium, six miles, Hannington; Friday 4th August - evening, short, Kingsclere.

New walkers please go to oakleyramblers.org for further details.

Bee Fayre Celebration Weekend, Wootton St Lawrence - Charles Butler 400 Celebrations: 19th & 20th August 2023

Join us this August for the Charles Butler Bee Fayre Celebrations!

Discover the enchanting world of bees as we celebrate Charles Butler's 400th anniversary! Bring your kids, family, and friends to experience the incredible secret lives of bees together.

Step inside the historic church for captivating presentations and interactive workshops that will unveil the fascinating 'bee story.' And don't miss the buzzing atmosphere in the Church Meadows, where specialists, beekeepers, and stallholders will be waiting to share their knowledge and help us understand the importance of creating a sustainable environment for bees to thrive.

For more information, visit our website: https://charles-butler400.co.uk

Get ready for an unforgettable celebration! 

Admission to the Bee Fayre Meadows is free. 

Please reserve your seats for presentations inside the church (limited to 160 seats) via crowdfunder.co.uk/p/charles-butler400

The International Beekeepers Forum is bringing together exceptional speakers and performers to tell the bee story in words, music, and song, including:

Stile Antico: opening the forum with Charles Butler Bee Madrigal.

Meriem Hammal - Sustainable beekeeping in extreme conditions.

Bostjan Noc / Peter Kozmus: World Bee Day and the Slovenian Story.

Chris Park: Charles Butler, Bee History, and The Feminine Momnarchie.

Martin Bencsik accompanied by Deirdre Bencsik (cello): Sounds and Vibrations of Honeybee Democracy.

This gala performance starts Sunday 20th August at 1pm inside Wootton St Lawrence Church.

All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to our nominated causes.  

Calling all budding detectives and would-be sleuths!

The Oakley Pantomime Society presents Murder in the Village Hall. This is your chance to watch the action unfold on stage, while you use your powers of deduction to work out “whodunnit” as well as “whodidn’t.”

The performance takes place on 9th September at 8pm at Andover Road Village Hall. Tickets cost £8 including supper (bring your own drinks)

Tickets available from Murray Simmons Murraysimmons@hotmail.com or call 01256 782916.

Tiffany Wise

Old Basing and Lychpit

Old Basing WI will be meeting on Tuesday 1st August at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms, St Mary’s Church when the speaker will be local lady Penny Jubin, one of the Glass Maidens. All are welcome to join this long running and friendly group. Just go along on the evening if you are at all interested.

Sunday 8th October might seem some time away but if you are thinking of joining the F.O.O.B.S Trail and Fun Run now is a good time to register and perhaps up the training. As in previous years the event will consist of three runs: the 10km and 6km Trail Runs for adults and older children and a 2km Fun Run for the younger ones. There will be more information closer to the date but in the meantime register online at www.foobs.weebly.com

The Churchyard Conservation Area is a lovely place for everyone in our community to sit in a peaceful woodland setting and enjoy being close to nature. There is something new to admire every month and at the moment summer flowers and butterflies can be seen at close quarters and overhead there are often swifts catching insects before they depart next month. Maintenance of the Conservation Area is carried out by volunteers twice monthly on Thursdays and Saturdays. The next working party will be today, Thursday 27th July at 2pm. New volunteers will be warmly welcomed just turn up with gardening gloves and suitable clothing.

Elspeth Lee