AN EXCITING new community garden has been unveiled at Chineham shopping centre.

The garden is located in the central area near the bandstand, and visitors will be able to enjoy lunch on one of the picnic benches and pick fresh herbs from the herb garden.

The centre has also installed a 'chatter bench' to help combat loneliness - anyone who fancies a chat can sit on the bench ready for a natter with another shopper.

Basingstoke Gazette: The new garden The new garden (Image: Chineham Shopping)

Centre manager Chris Carter said: "Supporting the local community is absolutely key to us at Chineham Shopping, and we’re delighted to be able to introduce this welcoming, vibrant space at the heart of the centre. We hope that our local shoppers and families will enjoy spending time together in the Community Garden, and come along to the various events that we have planned."

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The centre’s first event ran on Saturday and invited families to make art from recycled materials.

The borough council’s local waste prevention community champions were also on hand to help residents reduce their food and household waste and save money by passing on hints and tips to the local community.

At the next event on Saturday, August 5, children can decorate their very own bee house, ladybird house or bug house to take home as well as meet bee mascot ‘Toe-Bee’ as he visits throughout the day.

The Chineham Woods Group will also be at the centre running some very exciting activities relating to the natural world.

For more information about the Community Garden and upcoming events, please visit