I enjoy walking around the parish of Mapledurwell as it has many attractive rural features.

One of these is the verge on the left of Down Lane going up to Five Lanes End.

It has been signposted as a protected verge of noted wildflowers.

Last week it was at its best with yarrow, scabious, agrimony, nettle leaved harebells, vetch, marjoram, St John’s wort, and toadflax, to name but a few, all in full bloom.

I was horrified to see this week that this verge has been mowed by the council and the signposts showing the protected area have been removed.

This is before the flowers have had a chance to seed themselves.

I understand that verges need to be mown for traffic safety but the workers should have been made aware of this protected section before they started.

That they even removed the signposts is even more alarming.

Is this what Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council mean about being environmentally friendly?

I ask that the signposts be reinstated and council mowing teams be instructed to respect them in future. I will buy some wildflower seeds and sow them there in the hope that permanent damage has not occurred.

Lorna Cuthill

Tunworth Road



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