BRAVE residents from Basingstoke are being invited to take part in a firewalk challenge to raise money for a hospice.

St Michael’s Hospice, in Aldermaston Road, is calling on brave supporters from across North Hampshire to take on the epic challenge which will raise vital funds for the charity.

The event is taking place at the hospice on Friday, October 27, from 6pm.

Brave participants will meet a fire-walking expert from Firewalking UK who will offer top tips and training, before facing the hot coals.

READ MORE: St Michael's Hospice to host annual Moonlight Walk

After completing the courageous challenge, participants will be congratulated with a glass of fizz, a medal and a certificate to prove their bravery.

Becky Legate, events manager at St Michael’s Hospice, said: “We’re so excited for the comeback of the firewalk – not only is it a thrilling event, it will also help us raise much-needed funds.

“With the cost of everything increasing, we really do depend on our community to help us offer our services. We can’t thank all our supporters enough for taking part in events like the firewalk.”

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The independent charity provides free compassionate care for people with life-limiting illnesses, who are facing the end of life or have experienced a bereavement.

Without the support of its amazing community taking part in events like this, the charity simply couldn’t provide its specialist and vital care.

With only 80 places available on the firewalk challenge, and people already signed up, the hospice is encouraging people to sign up early.

You can register to take part in the event by visiting: