STAGECOACH has apologised to customers who were left stranded after several buses failed to turn up because of planned roadworks.

Stagecoach South only informed customers of the service update to the number 10, 12, 13 and 17 buses at 10.49am on Monday, August 21, despite the road closure at Hackwood Road starting at 7am that morning.

Advanced notice of the road closure was given by Hampshire County Council, with works scheduled to take place for two weeks from August 21.

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However, Stagecoach only informed passengers after the road had been closed blaming the delay on a ‘technical issue’.

Frustrated passengers took to social media to complain, with some missing their bus to get to work in the morning.

One said: “Would it have been helpful for this information to be sent yesterday, rather than waiting for mid-morning? I missed the 06.39 from Applegarth Close this morning even though the road was open.”

Another said: "The notification for this has been available for some time, and the signs have been up for several days. Yet I haven't seen any announcement from you until now. Not everybody uses social media."

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A spokesperson for Stagecoach said: “We are aware that Hackwood Road is closed for a period of two weeks. We communicated all road closures to our drivers in advance and keep regular updates on our Twitter feed for customers.

“It appears there was a technical issue on Monday morning which meant our early morning posts about the closure failed to send. We would like to apologise to the customers for any inconvenience caused.”