A HOUSING association has allegedly decided to rethink proposals to demolish garages to build new homes on a controversial site in Basingstoke, borough councillors have said.

As previously reported, Sovereign wanted to build seven two-storey homes at 180 Culver Road in Kings Furlong, where there was a previous controversial plan by Two Saints to build a hostel for homeless people.

Two Saints’ proposal for the 23-bedroom halfway house was rejected by the borough council after hundreds of neighbours raised concerns.

In response, Sovereign devised a new strategy to build seven affordable houses on the site with three to be constructed in place of 18 existing garages. 

READ MORE: Culver Road: Residents furious as Sovereign reveals garage plans

A public consultation event, held on Thursday, August 3 at the site, took an intense turn as details emerged. Neighbours were extremely unhappy about the idea of demolishing the garages.

Two borough councillors have now said the garage plan will allegedly be reconsidered while the four other houses will remain as part of the plan.

Sovereign has neither confirmed nor denied whether another plan for the garages will be part of a new application, which is expected to be submitted later this year.

Cllr Abdel Ibrahim posted on Facebook to inform residents that the planning application will only feature four family houses "with the intention that they be delivered for affordable tenures". 

"The garage blocks will thus not form part of the planning application for 180 Culver Road at this time. SHA (Sovereign) will continue to consider the most appropriate use for the site of the garages, in consultation with those residents and parties which have access to them," the post read.

Speaking to the Gazette, Cllr Ibrahim said: "I think it's a good response from Sovereign because the voices of residents have clearly been heard. It is the best outcome for residents considering the situation they are in. I must stress that I think residents need to be consulted at the earliest opportunity about any future plans for the garages."

Cllr Arun Mummalaneni said he strongly opposed the developer's plans to demolish the garages used by several nearby residents. He said it is "reassuring to hear that the residents' concerns were taken into account".

He said: "The addition of extra houses would have led to an immediate loss of parking spaces in the vicinity of these garages. Consequently, Sovereign Housing Estate decided to withdraw their proposal to replace the garages with three houses.

"I assume this signifies a permanent withdrawal of their proposal for an additional three houses. However, it's essential for us to exercise caution and remain vigilant to ensure that there are no future attempts to revisit this proposal."

SEE ALSO: Plans for seven new houses on controversial 180 Culver Road land

Matt Richardson, head of land and planning at Sovereign Network Group, said: “Plans to redevelop the building owned by Hampshire County Council are being prioritised because there is a shortage of affordable housing in Basingstoke.

“This building has been unoccupied for a prolonged period and we want to give more local people an affordable home whenever we can. Our aim is to make the best possible use of the land, which is why we continue to review all available options for the future, including the wider redevelopment of the site.  

“Later this year we will submit a planning application which will outline plans for this building.”