Every week and in every edition of the Gazette, we include community news from around Basingstoke and surrounding villages.


This Monday 13th November is Coffee Morning at the Millennium Village Hall, from 10.30am-12 noon. There will be a second hand book stall, crafted birthday cards for sale and the chance to try your hand at table tennis. This is, of course, all in addition to hot drinks and delicious cake. The 100 Club winners are drawn during each Coffee Morning, which is held on the second Monday of each month. All ages are welcome and, I believe, all proceeds go to the upkeep of the Village Hall. Coffee mornings take place on the second Monday of each month; in December it will therefore be held on Monday 11th.

Finally, a reminder that St. Leonard’s Church annual Village Quiz Night will take place on Saturday 18th November at the Millennium Village Hall. Ticket sales end this Saturday (11th) and are £15 per person, to include a hot meal and a selected drink. Teams of 6 will tackle multiple rounds of questions, with different themes. For tickets or more information, please contact Ben Maunder (01256 327859) or Val Gofton-Salmond (01256 474425).

Helen Walker

Hatch Warren and Beggarwood

Overnight Road Works: The first two nights of the overnight road works on the A30, scheduled for 1st, 2nd and 3rd November, were cancelled because of the storm that was forecast. The third night did go ahead. This means that it will be necessary to reschedule two nights to complete the works at the entrance to the Golf Course and close the A30 again. I shall report the dates once they have been published.

Concern at disruption: Sadly, I have again received reports of motorists exiting the M3 at Junction 7, only to find the A30 closed, with no warning on the motorway signs of the need to find another route.

Fireworks Spectacular: After a day when it rained in the morning, the weather cleared for the spectacular fireworks display at the Community Centre field on Saturday. The Community Association once again did us proud, with a twenty-minute display that was loud and colourful, maintaining the Hatch Warren reputation for staging one of the best displays in the area. As well as the fireworks, the entertainment included food stalls, glow items, tuck shop, bar, coffee, waffles and, as usual, DJ Mark Halliday getting everyone in the party mood.

Hatch Warren Nature Group has started work to restore wildflowers on the open space close to Constantine Way, Bramdown Heights and Dorrel Close. 200 Cowslips were planted first with 300 more to follow, and then another 900 of different species, all to be put in place or sown during November. Amazingly, all the plants have been grown from seeds collected locally. This is a real labour of love from a group of committed volunteers.

Christmas Market: A reminder that the Community Association's Christmas Market is on Sunday 26th November from noon until 4pm. This is always worth a visit.

Stephen Reid


The Kempshott Village Hall Sunday Market this week is the first of two Christmas ones. So, from 10.30 till 1 (with the Silence at 11) is your opportunity to get ahead of yourself with your festive preparations. On Wednesday this week, also in the Village Hall you’ll find Kempshott Robins from 1.30 till 3.30. This is your chance to enjoy the music of the 50s, 60s and 70s. Such reminiscent music has been found to be particularly helpful to people experiencing memory difficulties. The weekly charge is £5, but a carer comes free. There’s an excellent amplification system which was purchased with the help of a grant from Cllr Stephen Reid and which allows people to use it as a means of singing along should they so wish.

Diana Manville


Oakley Outdoor Christmas Market will take place on Saturday 25th November 1.30-3.30pm in St. John’s Field, off St John’s Road. Book your free pitch now at office@oww.church.

Christmas without a TOPS Panto? Unthinkable! So, come along to The Oakley Pantomime Society’s extravaganza, “SuperPan.” This is pantomime, cabaret style!  See our poster for details or contact murraysimmons@hotmail.com (tel 782916) for more information.

Coming together on Climate Change: Are you feeling bomb-barded on climate change and need clarification? Would you like to save energy and money? Does a free thermal camera house survey interest you?

Come along to our event on Saturday 18th November 2-4pm at Oakley Junior School (Main Hall)

Our key speaker topics are where are we now with climate change? impact of taking actions to save energy and what is a carbon footprint?

For more information contact the parish council on 07983 500 372 or email clerk@oakleydeane-pc.gov.uk.

Tiffany Wise

Old Basing and Lychpit

The Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday 12th November leaves the Royal British Legion at 9.40am arriving at St Mary’s Church in good time for the service which begins at 10am.

Booking is now open for the next Ploughmen’s Lunches in the Parish Rooms of St Mary’s Church on Thursday 16th November - doors open at 12.25pm. Telephone Denise on 07946 596778 by noon on Tuesday 14th to secure a place.

Also on Thursday 16th, the Carnival Committee meet for their AGM at 7.30pm in Old Basing Village Hall. During the meeting representatives from local groups, who made successful applications, will be awarded donations to their causes. The committee is pleased to see that there is interest from people who would like to join them and potential new members will be voted onto the committee at the AGM. For further information contact oldbasingcarnival@gmail.com.

Save the dates. Firstly, for the 70s/80s disco at the Royal British Legion on Friday 17th November and secondly for the Village Pantomime on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th November. More information about both events next week.

Elspeth Lee


Poppy Appeal: Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2023 have a Pop-Up Poppy stall outside the Coffee Shop on Saturday from 8am until 2pm. You can also pick up your poppy from The Shop, PO and local businesses around the village. If you are offered a Gift Aid envelope, and you are eligible, please Gift Aid it as this adds an extra 25 per cent to your donation.    

Remembrance Sunday is this Sunday at the War Memorial from 10.45 am. A traditional Service of Remembrance will be held and a few chairs will be provided for those who find difficulty in standing for any length of time. Please do make use of them if needed. A collection will be taken in aid of the Poppy Appeal.  All are welcome at the Village Hall for refreshments, following the service.

NWR National Women’s Register are holding their Wine, Women and Song evening tonight. We are choosing two or three pieces of music and our theme this year is Drugs, Herbs and Medicine.  New members always welcome at NWR.  Contact Gill: 01256 882106.

Patronal Festival: I was lucky enough to attend the service at St Leonard’s on Sunday which celebrates the patron of our Church, St Leonard.  The Bishop of Basingstoke, David Williams, Revd Mark Anderson and Associate Vicar, David Pycock conducted the service and as well as prayers, hymns and an anthem from the choir, we learned a little about St Leonard.    St Leonard has been serving the parish for over 900 years. Following the service, the Church Room was packed for a buffet lunch which was enjoyed by all.   We were reminded that the service this Sunday is at the war memorial in the village.

Chris Horton