THESE are the five most dangerous road junctions in the Basingstoke area, according to Gazette readers.

We asked on Facebook "In your opinion, where is the most dangerous road junction in our area", and received more than 100 responses.

We've trawled through them all and created this list of the five road junctions you believe to be the most dangerous in Basingstoke.

The five most dangerous road junctions in Basingstoke

1. Wellington Terrace onto Roman Road

Turning onto a 40mph road can be dangerous at the best of times, but many find turning onto Roman Road from Wellington Terrace to be a nightmare.

A generally, busy road next to a roundabout means that those who wish to turn right are often unable to guide their car fully into the lane when traffic is queuing at peak times.

This leads to the fear that 'an accident is waiting to happen' if a car were to drive fast onto the road and clip the vehicle that isn't fully in its lane.

2. 'Golden Pot' junction onto B3349 Alton Road

Most of us who have taken this turning near the former Golden Pot pub in Froyle Road know exactly why this is on the list.

An exceptionally fast and busy B Road on a blind turning, doesn't sound particularly safe, does it?

Many readers commented that this road is the most dangerous, in their opinion, while one suggested that it "should have traffic lights."

3. Binfields (Tesco) Roundabout, Chineham

A great number of readers commented that this roundabout is dangerous.

The problem lies with the fact that many do not realise how the road markings on this particular roundabout, work.

If you are going around it, and wish to exit at Chineham Shopping Centre, you must first be in the right lane and follow the markings over.

However, many tend to opt, wrongly, for the middle lane and very often cut other drivers up.

Whether or not it is the driver or the road markings at fault is up for debate with this one.

4. Western Way onto Brighton Hill Roundabout

One that will (hopefully) be corrected by the time the works have finished on the roundabout.

This junction is often viewed as the most difficult on the whole of the roundabout, due to its location next to the dual carriageway.

Fast-moving traffic exiting this roundabout often leads to hazardous moments for drivers attempting to make their way onto the roundabout from this junction.

5. A30, Black Dam Roundabout

Of course, the infamous Black Dam Roundabout just had to be on the list.

"In particular, the part where the A30 crosses from west to east", one reader commented.

"It's almost impossible to see the colour of the traffic lights where it crosses the A339 in the middle."

This is a statement that many of us can agree with, you just cannot see the colours on the traffic lights at this junction.

It has been the scene of many accidents over the years, and it's easy to see why.

Do you agree with this list?

Did we miss a particularly dangerous junction?

Let us know what you think, and how you believe these junctions can be made safer.