AN ANDOVER resident has been ordered to do unpaid work after causing harassment, alarm or distress to two people at Basingstoke hospital.

Lee Venn, of Boulter Road, on Thursday, April 20, at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, in Aldermaston Road, caused harassment, alarm or distress and used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour towards two people.

On Tuesday, June 27, in Basingstoke Venn failed to provide a specimen for analysis after being suspected of having driven a vehicle.

During a hearing held at Basingstoke Magistrates' Court on Friday, November 17, Venn was sentenced for the offences.

Venn pleaded guilty to the hospital offences on Tuesday, October 3.

READ MORE: Why do local newspapers report on court cases? What can they publish?

Magistrates ordered Venn to complete 150 hours of work and comply with a community order including taking part in alcohol treatment and rehabilitation activity.

Magistrates also disqualified Venn from driving for 12 months.

Venn must also pay compensation costs of £50 and a surcharge fee of £114.