BELOW is a list of planning applications submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in the week ending Sunday, May 19.

24/01152/ENSC Request for screening opinion in relation to the erection of 130 dwellings and a new country park - Land South West of Overton, Sapley Lane, Overton

24/01113/OOBC Variation of Condition 1 attached to Planning Permission 20/03185/FUL dated 11/11/2021 to extend the time allowed for the implementation of the permission by an additional year from 3 years to 4 years Application Number: 24/00914/AMCON Please note the decision on this application is made by Hart District Council Case Officer Miguel Martinez - Chosley Farm, Bidden Road, North Warnborough

24/01116/GPDADW Notification of proposed change of use from agricultural building to Class C3 dwellinghouse including the installation and replacement of doors and windows - Cottage Farm, New Road, Pamber Green

24/01112/VLA Discharge of Section 52 agreement to allow the building to be used for residential purposes independently to the use, occupation and ownership of Malthouse Farm - The Cottage at Malthouse Farm, Ecchinswell Road, Ecchinswell

24/01100/LBC Various external renovations and replacement of 1 no. door and 1 no. window - Wergs Manor, Well Street, Old Burghclere

24/01096/HSE The erection of a single storey rear extension and conversion of existing garage - 5 Portiswood Close, Tadley

24/01085/HSE Conversion of loft space within the detached garage and a first floor side extension with internal minor alterations at ground floor - 47 Kingsclere Road, Overton

24/01077/HSE Installation of replacement front door and frame - 26 Beaconsfield Road, Basingstoke

24/01062/HSE A side extension with room in catslide over a playroom, single storey orangery, extended rear porch, first floor extension over existing flat roof, associated internal and external alterations (part retrospective and a revised scheme to permission 24/00222/HSE) - The Barn House, Heath End Road, Ball Hill

24/01058/HSE Erection of a two storey rear extension, first floor extension, front porch, alterations to fenestration and removal of side chimney. Installation of solar panels and 'flat' lantern to hidden part of roof and new roof over existing garage - Wisteria Cottage, Ridge Lane, Newnham

24/01045/FUL Proposed demolition of existing detached residential 3 bedroom bungalow and replaced with 1.5 storey 4 bedroom detached house - Tudor Place, Ashe Park Lane, Steventon

24/01035/FUL Erection of a new self build dwellinghouse and detached garage with home office above along with associated residential curtilage, parking and landscaping - Land Between Cedar House And Hillside Cottage, Ashford Hill Road, Headley

24/00788/FUL Erection of 5 no. dwellings with private amenity space, car parking and landscaping - Hounsome Fields, Trenchards Lane, Dummer