RESIDENTS at a care home in Basingstoke relived sweet memories with Cadbury representatives during a special event. 

Barchester's St Thomas Care Home, in St Thomas Close, welcomed in archivist Sarah Foden and brand manager Connor Gould who shared stories of the nation's favourite chocolate brand since its first shop launching in Birmingham in 1824 accompanied by vintage photos and old packaging examples from the Cadbury archive.

The iconic brand, which turns 200 this year, stirred up nostalgic sentiments among the residents.

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Basingstoke Gazette: Care home residents celebrating 200-years of Cadbury historyConnor Gould, brand manager at Cadbury, said: "It is so rewarding to take part in such a special event as this – we just loved entertaining all the residents this afternoon, especially when it got to the quiz – they all had their own special memories of the brand to share, which was so rewarding to hear."

General manager, Maggie Zbroch said: "What a wonderful afternoon we’ve all had, our residents have grown up eating Cadbury chocolate bars, so they were really interested to hear about how the company first came about and how it has evolved over the years."