A CHILDREN'S charity which provides support to loved ones of children with life-limiting conditions will hot a celebrity charity football match in July. 

Sebastian’s Action Trust, which operates The Bluebells in North Waltham, has organised the match at Ascot United Football Club on Sunday, July 7.

The match will feature well-known personalities such as Dan Osbourne, Jake Wood, and Ricky Groves.

Anticipated to raise crucial funding and awareness for the charity, the event is a cooperative venture with Sellebrity Soccer, and is endorsed by local company Concept Financial Planning.

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Sebastian’s Action Trust supports seriously ill children and their families in Berkshire, Hampshire and further afield with emotional, social, and practical aid.

Tickets for the football match are now available online, costing £12, children under two enter free.

Importantly, 70 per cent of the total ticket sales will directly fund the charity.

The event begins at 1pm with the charity encouraging public involvement and support for the event.

To book tickets, go to buff.ly/3TqCFcY.