MYSELF and other residents in Dame Maria Miller's constituency post on her Facebook page on subjects which she, or whoever has access to her page, raise threads on.

Some of those posts may well contain opposing views which, in the main, are politely put across.

These posts, some with legitimate and pertinent questions from myself and others, either get ignored or worse still, deleted.

Our MP and other elected representatives need to recognise that they are accountable and social media is in the public domain and not simply a one-way street for them to use for their own ends.

Blogs are different! Their constituents have the democratic right to politely air opposing views and ask legitimate and pertinent questions on subjects they raise on threads on their social media pages.

But some appear to sooner stifle opposing views by deleting them, some even blocking residents from posting, so as not to be viewed by others or for them not to answer pertinent questions publicly. It's a poor show from those who do that and they should be called out for it!

Simon Preedy 

Hatch Warren

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