RISING temperatures will be offset with rain and cloud, with the weather in Basingstoke due to fluctuate this week.

According to the Met Office, the weather in Basingstoke over the half-term week will be up and down, with sunny spells, as well as heavy showers and cloudy days until Sunday, May 2.

The weather forecast is of course subject to change but is correct at the time of writing. 

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  • Thursday, May 30 - Heavy showers throughout the morning and light rain expected throughout the afternoon, right up until 7pm in the evening. Highs of 16 degrees celsius.
  • Friday, May 31 - A sunny morning with cloudy intervals coming in creating an overcast around midday. The afternoon is looking like a cloudy one, until sunny intervals in the evening from 7pm. Highs of 17 degrees celsius.
  • Saturday, June 1 - A sunny morning with clouds coming in for most of the day, until sunny intervals in the evening around 7pm. Highs of 17 degrees celsius.
  • Sunday, June 2 - The nicest day in the forecast with bright sunny skies all day, with slight cloud coming in around 4pm. No rain is forecast, with highs of 19 degrees celsius.

Updates can be found at metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast.