PEOPLE living in Oakridge were treated to stilt walkers, arts and crafts, music workshops and stalls with games and giveaways at the Hall For All community summer festival on Saturday, May 25. 

An incredible £2,000 was raised on the day through the various stalls and games, including the ever-popular raffle, as well as kind donations from residents and the Basingstoke Lions. This money will go towards Christmas activities at the Hall For All, ensuring they can be free of cost for attendees.

The festival was timed to coincide with the first anniversary of the devastating fire which struck the community, providing residents with an opportunity to come together with friends and neighbours in the sunshine. 

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Basingstoke Gazette: Oakridge Hall For All community summer festivalThe management committee said they very grateful for all of the organisations that donated prizes to the raffle, as well as the dance troupes, exhibitors and community groups who volunteered their time to entertain and inform festival goers on the day. A further source of financial support was the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

African Activities offered a drumming workshop for young people alongside traditional arts and crafts. The Basingstoke to Reading Community Rail Partnership shared walking routes from local stations and emphasising the importance of not trespassing on the railway. And the Hygiene Bank offered free sanitary and dental products whilst also explaining their work with food banks locally and nationally. 

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Basingstoke Gazette: Oakridge Hall For All community summer festivalHundreds of people turned out for the day, as well as the Mayor of Basingstoke and Deane Cllr Dan Putty and Labour Parliamentary candidate Luke Murphy.  

Lucy Blake, centre manager at the Hall For All, said “I was overwhelmed by how many people came out to join us and how hard all of our volunteers and supporters worked to make the day a success. The Hall For All sits at the heart of the community here in Oakridge and we’re delighted to have been able to run a festival which so many people could enjoy.”

The management committee hope to be able to host the event again next year and are always interested to hear from people or groups who may wish to take part and support the festival.