BELOW is a list of planning applications submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in the week ending Sunday, May 26.

24/01182/FUL A new 3 bedroom detached bungalow to the rear of Meadow View - Meadow View, Sherfield Road, Bramley

24/01144/GPDADW Notification of proposed change of use from agricultural building to Class C3 dwellinghouse, replacement windows and associated works - Barn at Frith Farm, Church Lane, Wolverton

24/01150/HSE Single storey rear extension - 52 Saffron Close, Chineham

24/01149/HSE Installation of air source heat pump to rear of property - 82 Kirby Drive, Bramley

24/01117/HSE Proposed double storey rear extension - 2 Christ Church Gardens, Basingstoke

24/01107/FUL Erection of a detached dwellinghouse with associated parking and amenity space - Land at The Barracks, Newnham

24/01109/HSE Erection of a single storey rear extension - 47 Hill Road, Oakley

24/01104/ROC Variation of condition 10 of 18/02435/FUL to allow for increase in number of cars and dogs per visit - Paw Paddock St Marys, Church Road, Mapledurwell

24/01092/FUL Rear extension to be accommodated under a partial extension to an existing canopy - Gordian House, Brunel Road, Basingstoke

24/01091/OUT Outline application for the demolition of existing commercial premises and erection of 1 no. new dwelling with matters reserved save for access, layout and scale - B P S Leisure Ltd, Ashford Hill Road, Headley

24/01071/RET Erection of a 1.6m high temporary fence around the Potting Shed - Land at Manor Farm Barns, Ashmansworth

24/01065/HSE Two storey rear extension - 45 Spring Close, Sherborne St John

24/01046/ROC Variation of condition 1 of 22/01525/HSE to amend drawing numbers to add a first floor front extension to increase space and allow for more light to landing - Riddings Farm, The White House, Riddings Lane, Goose Hill, Headley

24/01021/HSE Erection of a part single/part two storey wrap around extension, first floor extension and new front porch to include internal alterations and moving of front door. Installation of air source heat pump. (Alternative scheme to that approved under 21/03603/HSE to include additional obscured W/C window on side elevation ground floor and garage roof ridge to be raised by 212mm and to be centralised) - 17 Little Hoddington, Upton Grey

24/00972/HSE Erection of free standing aluminium framed and glass roof veranda at the end of the garden to cover a patio area - 8 Stanton Court, Basingstoke