A MAN who turned a Basingstoke property into a drug hub to sell crack cocaine and heroin has been jailed.

Chamar Gordon, 20, of London, was using a property in Woburn Gardens, Basingstoke, between August and September 2023 to sell Class A drugs.

He was also convicted of being in possession of criminal property and two breaches of suspended sentences in relation to his conviction of driving offences and robbery.

Gordon was arrested when police attended the house and found Gordon with a number of drugs – 9.2g of crack cocaine in 90 street packets and 9.1g of heroin in 90 street packets.

READ MORE: Eight arrests made during Basingstoke drug crackdown

Police also found cash of £6,925 and weapons, but the prosecution could not prove that the weapons belonged to Gordon.

On Friday, May 31, a Winchester Crown Court judge sentenced Gordon to four years in jail for the drug offences and the previous suspended sentences.

Sentencing him, Recorder Roger Harris said he considered the mitigating factors like Gordon’s age at the time of the offence and his background.

“You were only 19 and there was a significant degree of immaturity,” the recorder said.

“I also acknowledge that he fell into the wrong crowd when he was in school and he was living by himself by the age of 18 to make ends meet.”

However, the judge said the offence of turning the property into a drug hub was so serious only a custodial sentence was justifiable.

The Woburn Gardens property was in the name of Claire Mills, who pleaded guilty to concern and supply of drugs last September, but claimed that she was forced to do so by Gordon.

She told police and the court that she was forced to leave her home and hand over the possession because she owed him money.

However, the prosecution debunked this claim with witness statements and by showing her text messages to her neighbours and friends.

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In one of the messages, she told a friend how she planned to make up that she was threatened by Gordon.

The court found that she willingly offered her house for the offence in return for drugs as payment.

Mills will be sentenced on August 1.