This year’s Childhood Day, held on Friday, June 7, was a massive success thanks to our dedicated volunteers and supporters throughout the region.

It’s the annual flagship day of fundraising that brings children and adults together to play and connect with each other. And this year, like previous years, that’s what exactly happened.

People took part in games and sponsored events to raise vital funds for the NSPCC and its services, such as Childline.

Several schools in Hampshire also went the extra mile, literally! Teachers and children took part in the Childhood Day Mile on the day itself.

They walked, ran, bounced and pedalled their way in and around school with parents and carers kindly donating whatever they could to help keep children and young people safe.

On the run up to the big day, our dedicated volunteers held a collection in Lymington High Street. Armed with their green buckets, they met and chatted with shoppers, telling them all about Childhood Day, its importance and sharing information on how people can support and get involved.

Childhood Day highlights the importance of childhood. Half a million children suffer abuse or neglect a year in the UK.

That means seven children in a classroom experience abuse before they turn 18. So, days like Childhood Day encourage everyone to come together and help change that.

With the generous donations from parents, carers and supporters from collections and schools throughout Hampshire, every £4 raised from Childhood Day will help a Childline counsellor answer a call to a child in need of advice and help. We would like to thank every single person who got involved and celebrated the day. It has been wonderful to see everyone coming together and participating in the festivities.

From their support, it means we can be there for even more children and young people.

We are always here to support children who are experiencing any kind of abuse, but everyone can play their part in helping children.

If you’re concerned about a child, you can contact the NSPCC Helpline for advice by calling 0808 800 5000 or emailing

  • Gemma Graves is the NSPCC Community Fundraising Manager for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight