TADLEY-based author Paula Sheridan has finally kept her decades-old promise, penning Finding Penrose, the extraordinary story of a beloved grandfather figure from her past.

The South African-born writer moved to England to raise her son and despite juggling motherhood and her writing aspirations, Sheridan’s promise to share her childhood mentor’s tale remained at the forefront of her commitments.

Penrose Matsile, whose birthdate wasn't even known until a year before his death, had a significant impact on her life.

He was such a mystery that Sheridan, at just 20-years-old, vowed to share his story with the world.

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Tadley-based author Paula Sheridan has finally penned Finding Penrose (Image: Paula Sheridan) Even when teaching swimming at facilities including Tadley Swimming Pool, Basingstoke Lido, and Willink Leisure Centre, the pledge was ever present.

Novelist Pramudith D Rupasinghe describes the book as "a sensibly penned timeless story of resilience and fragility of being human".

The Asian Review further praises Finding Penrose, calling it "an irresistible human song of a novel".

Through Sheridan’s storytelling, she invites readers on a journey that celebrates human triumph, love, family, and commitment to one’s promises, even through life’s inevitable hardships.

Sheridan is now on a mission to share Penrose’s story, one that "deserves, perhaps even demands to be heard," with a wider global audience.