LABOUR'S shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves, claimed that the route to Downing Street "goes through Basingstoke," as she hit the campaign trail with the town's Labour parliamentary candidate, Luke Murphy.

The shadow chancellor visited Basingstoke on Saturday, June 8, helping to launch Mr Murphy's campaign ahead of the upcoming general election on July 4.

Labour has never won in Basingstoke before but current polling has the party on track to win the seat from the Conservatives.

At Mr Murphy’s campaign launch, which was also attended by former Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman and shadow minister Helen Hayes, Ms Reeves warned against any complacency and stressed that her party is working hard to earn every vote to show that Labour offers the change that Basingstoke and our country needs.

READ MORE: Revealed: The general election candidates in Basingstoke

'The route to Downing Street goes through Basingstoke''The route to Downing Street goes through Basingstoke' (Image: Luke Murphy)

Speaking to activists Ms Reeves vowed that a "vote for Labour was a vote for change".

She spoke about Labour's long-term plan for stability in Britain.

She said: "The route to Downing Street goes through Basingstoke. The route to a majority Labour Government goes through Basingstoke.

"It is time for a government on the side of ordinary working people. That government is a Labour government, and with your help I have no doubt that government is coming soon."

Mr Murphy, Labour’s candidate for Basingstoke, said: "Voters in Basingstoke know that Britain is a great country but it has been badly let down over the last 14 years.

"The Tories have left the country worse off than when they started. Living standards are down. Crime goes unpunished. Ambulances never come. Schools crumble over our children’s heads. Mortgages and food prices are through the roof.

"This election is our chance to build a better Britain and a better Basingstoke. Labour may never have won here before, but people here know that things can be better. It’s time for a change, and only a vote for Labour on July 4 can deliver it."