A BASINGSTOKE man who failed to give information relating to the identification of the driver of a vehicle has been fined and given penalty points.

Ian Nish, 52, of Millard Close, failed to identify a driver who was alleged to have been guilty of driving without due care and attention.

The court said Nish allegedly drove a Bedford Adventura on Highland Drive, Oakley, and while trying to avoid a crash with a parked car, he mounted the pavement and drove over the lawn of a property before returning to the road.

The alleged offence happened on November 6.

READ MORE: Basingstoke man fined for failing to identify Iveco driver

A first-class post was sent to his address informing him of the offence on November 17, followed by a reminder letter on December 18.

However, there was no acceptable response from him.

On May 20, Aldershot Magistrates’ Court ordered him to pay £660 fine and £110 costs. The original charge for driving without due care and attention was withdrawn.

The court also imposed six driving penalty points on him.