TWO police officers have been accused of sending misogynistic, homophobic and racist messages.

PC Michael Spake and PC Adam Holloway, both of Hampshire Constabulary, also stand accused of being derogatory about other staff at the force, including line managers and colleagues.

A notice on the police website added messages sent between them 'made reference to plagiarism of their student dissertation'.

They are due to face a misconduct hearing on June 25 at police operational headquarters in Winchester.

A summary of allegations said: "PC Spake and PC Holloway have been sending messages to each other via What’s App that are misogynistic, homophobic and racist.

"The messages made reference to plagiarism of their student dissertations and being derogatory about other members of staff including line managers and colleagues."

It is has not been revealed if the two officers deny or admit the allegations.

The statement added: "It is assessed that this matter amounts to gross misconduct, namely a breach of the Standards of Professional Behaviour in the strands of ‘Discreditable Conduct’, ‘Challenging and reporting improper behaviour’, ‘Authority, respect and courtesy’, Equality and Diversity’ and ‘Honesty and Integrity’ that, if proved, is so serious that this officer’s dismissal would be justified."