A Basingstoke paramedic is being commended by national charity Nurse Lifeline for her incredible fundraising efforts in memory of her friend.

Caitlin O'Driscoll, who completed a skydive last year, has been praised for her dedication and courage after she raised money in memory of her friend Abi.

She said: "I met Abi on my first day of university back in 2019. She was studying nursing, and I was doing paramedic science. We lived together for three years while studying and became close friends, more like sisters really. Sadly, in July 2022, I found out Abi had taken her own life.

"I wanted to do something to raise awareness for mental health, especially for nurses and healthcare workers."

Caitlin O'Driscoll skydiving to raise money in memory of her friendCaitlin O'Driscoll skydiving to raise money in memory of her friend (Image: Nurse Lifeline)

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A Nurse Lifeline spokesperson said the charity felt deeply moved by Caitlin's dedication and courage in honouring Abi's memory through such a daring challenge.

Nurse Lifeline also extended thanks to Abi's mother, Tanya, who suggested the charity as the beneficiary of Caitlin's fundraising and has been actively involved herself.

The charity offers confidential, anonymous peer-support services run by nurses and midwives for their colleagues. This service provides a safe space for healthcare workers to decompress and offload.

The Nurse Lifeline support line is open Monday to Friday from 7-10pm. You can reach them at 0808 801 0455 or visit their website, nurselifeline.org.uk, to learn more or enquire about fundraising.