SAFETY is a top priority for residents in Buckskin and South Ham who told community researchers that they would not want their children to live in the area in the future. 

 Residents and businesses in Buckskin and South Ham were invited to give their views to the Community Researchers - a team of local people - at drop in listening events or by completing a survey online last November to outline their top priorities for the area. 

More than 5,000 people visited the dedicated website, more than 500 filled in a survey, and 200 people visited the seven drop-in events.

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Those who responded said they want their neighbourhoods to feel safer and more connected, with greater opportunities for young people, and better designed homes that are more sustainable and cheaper to run.

Many who responded felt that it was not an area where they would want their children to live in the future.

The engagement was run by Sovereign Hill Partnership (SHP). The Sovereign Network Group (SNG) selected The Hill Group to form the SHP in 2023 - a strategic investment partnership to look at opportunities for improvements and change in the neighbourhood.

Feedback received during the engagement highlighted that local people value the sense of community that they have with neighbours and friends in Buckskin and South Ham, as well as the green space of Stratton Park and Russell Howard Park and the variety of types of homes in the area alongside the space inside their homes. 

The SNG community newsletter reported in May: "One thing that shone through is the strong sense of pride in the local community, feeling of belonging and your love of some of the green spaces.

"However, you were also very clear on what is needed to improve the neighbourhoods, especially when it comes to safety and opportunities for young people."

Tom Titherington, chief investment and development officer at SNG, said: “I’d like to thank the residents that participated in the conversations and the local people that enabled them; we’ve heard very clearly about living or working in Buckskin and South Ham and what SNG could do to make positive future investment.  

“We want communities to thrive over generations and it struck me that while residents value the people and local groups around them, many who responded felt that it was not an area where they would want their children to live in the future.

"This feedback gives us confidence we are right to start work with residents and businesses to look at options for change and improvements. We want to focus on keeping and enhancing what the community value about these neighbourhoods, while also finding ways to tackle their issues and concerns.

"We also want local residents to get in touch if they feel we have missed anything.” 

Possible options for development may include refurbishing homes, and the potential regeneration or renewal of parts of the neighbourhoods. 

SHP has engaged a team of Community Co-design Associates to play a pivotal role in shaping the future vision of the neighbourhoods. 

It will continue to act on the feedback received by collaborating with the police and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council to improve people’s feeling of safety, supporting greater opportunities for young people, and foster connections through initiatives such as its recent support for the Westside Community Centre Association.  

To find out more about shaping the future of Buckskin and South Ham, you can email: or call: 0300 7771010. 

You can also find useful information online at