KIT Malthouse has been re-elected for North West Hampshire following an intense battle in the General Election.

The Conservative candidate received 17,770 votes, finishing ahead of Labour's Andy Fitchett who got 14,482, and with a majority of 3,288 votes.

Despite a Labour landslide in the UK General Election, North West Hampshire stood with Mr Malthouse, 57, who is entering his fourth term as a Member of Parliament.

Reform UK's Andrew Meacham narrowly finished third with 7,734 votes. LibDem's Luigi Gregori came behind him with 7,626 votes. 

Green Party's Hina West got 2,745 votes, while Hampshire Independents candidate Phil Heath received 466 votes.

Mr Malthouse first won from the North West Hampshire seat in 2015. He won that time with 58.1 per cent of the vote, and with a majority of 23,943, (43.4 per cent).

At the snap 2017 General Election he was re-elected, increasing his vote share by four per cent to 62.1 per cent but seeing his majority reduced from 23,943 to 22,679.

At the 2019 General Election Mr Malthouse was again re-elected with 62.1 per cent of the vote, but with an increased majority of 26,308.