RANIL Jayawardena said he had hoped to 'help rebuild' the Conservative party inside the House of Commons after losing his seat to the Liberal Democrats.

The former North East Hampshire MP, who was first elected in 2015, received 20,544 votes, whilst Liberal Democrat Alex Brewer received 21,178 votes.

Making a speech after the announcement, Mr Jayawardena said: "This day is a truly frightful night for the Conservative party.

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Ranil Jayawardena making his speech after the results were announced (Image: NQ)

"I had been hoping I would be able to help rebuild it inside the House of Commons, but I will do whatever I can as a willing volunteer and do that where I started, in the grassroots of the party to help rebuild it for the sake of our country, which there must be a strong opposition."

The constituency, which was created in 1997, has historically been a Conservative-safe seat with the party holding 59.5 per cent of the votes in 2019.

He continued: "It has been a privilege to serve this constituency, and I'd like to thank all the people who have made it possible over the last nine years and prior to that my nearly seven years as councillor."