RESIDENTS in Brighton Hill were disturbed by a car meet on Sunday, with some who attended driving dangerously and creating ‘excessive noise’.

A large group of ‘car enthusiasts’ travelled to Basingstoke on Sunday, July 7, and ended up in Asda, Brighton Hill.

Multiple police officers attended, including the Roads Policing Unit, due to the multiple reports from the public about dangerous driving, ASB and excessive noise from exhaust popping/backfiring.

A post on Basingstoke Cops said: “As you can imagine when we turned up, they "behaved", and the group moved on.”

READ MORE: Man drifts around roundabout at Basingstoke car meet

The post, by PS Scamell, continued: “I am sorry for any residents and their families who were disturbed by the group who seem not to care about the residential properties surrounding Asda in particular and the impact it can have on our community.”

Police have been working with the landowner to try and put in prevention measures to stop these meets, Asda, who do not own the land, are ‘very keen to assist’. Following discussions, speed humps and bollards have been introduced.

PS Scamell continued: “As always, we have no issues with people who attend car meets in particular, and many are just people who want to show off the hard work they put into their cars. Too often this strays into ASB and criminal offences which will not be tolerated, and any offences that we can evidence will be fully investigated and action taken against the drivers.

“I am asking any resident who has evidence of any criminal offences such as dangerous driving, racing or drifting to contact police here and we will send a link for this to be shared so we can investigate it.”