I WOULD like to take the opportunity through the letters page of your paper to express my thanks to those who turned out and voted, and in particular those who voted Liberal Democrats. Turnout in the North West Hampshire constituency was lower at 65 per cent. Engaging in the voting process is one of the pillars of our democracy and we need to be mindful why there is a steady decline, and take steps to arrest it. One in three of us thinks voting is a waste of time, and this was a message that came across strongly on the doorstep.

As far as the Liberal Democrats are concerned, I am delighted to report that we now have 72 MPs which is our best result since 1923. Some of our wins are not far from here and include Eastleigh and North East Hampshire as well as Winchester and Newbury. This vindicated the Liberal Democrat national strategy. All credit also to Sir Ed Davey our leader in introducing a sense of fun linked to serious policies including the NHS and social care, the cost of living, and sewage. Accepting that the NHS is broken is an important step forward by the new Labour government. These issues are important locally and I hope that the Labour government will address them. Time will tell.

READ MORE: Liberal Democrats gain North East Hampshire from Conservatives

At a local level I think it is too early to make any useful comments. The timing of the election and the new boundaries did not suit us well. Despite this our vote held up reasonably well and gives us a good base to continue to build on. As a councillor I hope the new Labour government does not continue the Conservative game of giving councils less money from the central grant but more statutory responsibilities.

Luigi Gregori

Lib Dem Parliamentary spokesperson

North West Hampshire

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