A MAN was found dead on a village green after struggling to get help for mental health issues. 

Barnaby Morris, of Phoenix Green, Hartley Wintney, died on August 9, 2022, aged 32.

He was found by neighbours who saw his bag at the base of a tree on the green and called emergency services. 

Mr Morris, a tree surgeon who had applied for a job as a canal ranger, had a history of mental issues. 

His mother, Sheena Lambert, paid tribute to him at the inquest, held at Winchester Coroner's Curt on Tuesday, July 9. 

She said: "He grew up to be a kind, caring and witty man."

READ MORE: What happens at an inquest and what can the press report?

She also raised questions about the quality of care and the speed of the help offered to Mr Morris.

Mr Morris’s GP, Dr Raffi Assadourian, said: “As a GP we’ve got nowhere to send people like this quickly. We’ve got places to send patients, but not quickly.”

Area coroner Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp said: “We see so many cases like this. It’s just so frustrating.”

In a phone call on July 19, 2022, Mr Morris had called The Meadows team, telling them he had tried to commit suicide twice and that he felt he should be sectioned, however his case was not flagged as urgent because he was not judged to have a concrete plan to kill himself.

After hearing all the evidence, Ms Rhodes-Kemp concluded Mr Morris's death as suicide and offered her condolences to the family. She said: “I am truly sorry." 

  • For help contact Samaritans free any time, from any phone, on 116 123, or go to samaritans.org.