I READ with interest your article on the ‘Dispersal order for areas of Basingstoke’ and in particular the quote from the inspector at Surrey Police.

We live in close proximity of the Ring Road and have done so for the last 28 years. Road traffic noise has got considerably worse over the last couple of years, in particular from the cars racing around the Ring Road late at night, the noise from their skidding, revving of engines, and the excessive backfiring from exhausts.

On summer evenings when we, and no doubt other residents, are trying to enjoy a quiet evening in our gardens you cannot hear yourselves talk because of the noise. Many a time we have had to come indoors.

I have tried recording this and have reported it and sent recordings to the police as ASB numerous times using the Hants police online portal, which by the time you have completed the questions, they have long gone!

READ MORE: Dispersal order issued for these areas after reports of unauthorised car meets

Only a few weeks ago I reported it and also contacted our local ward councillor who in turn contacted the police on our behalf.

I was astounded by the inspector's response, which stated it was to be expected if you choose to live near a Ring Road. I’m sorry but no it is not expected, this is not normal road traffic noise.

He also suggested that when all vehicles are electric, the problem would decrease!

As I write this at just 10.15pm, a car has just backfired. We have to put up with this more or less every evening, and often between the hours of 11pm to 12.30am when the majority of people are trying to shut their eyes.

I did respond to the councillor suggesting that the inspector might like to join us for a cuppa in our garden on one summer's evening and hear what we residents have to put up with.

I am sure we aren't the only residents complaining. These cars and bikes are certainly not sticking to the speed limits, yet a blind eye seems to be taken. Is it going to take a serious RTA before someone stands up and finally takes notice? I sincerely hope not.

Name and address supplied

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