A 39-year-old site manager has bagged a prestigious award for the quality of his work on a building project.

James Berry, site manager at Hounsome Fields, Basingstoke, has won one of the Pride in the Job Quality Awards which aims to honour exceptional people in the role throughout the UK. 

James said: "My overriding feeling is for the guys on site and how proud I am of the site team."

The accomplishment is not a first for him. James claimed the award in 2021 for a different phase of the same development.

READ MORE: Basingstoke site manager up for award at UK housing Oscars

He proceeded to secure a Seal of Excellence at the next stage of the competition.

Beginning his career as an apprentice bricklayer at 18, James joined Bovis Homes as a site manager nine years ago.

Recently, he oversaw the construction of the Linden Homes' portion of Hounsome Fields, now fully constructed.

Soon, he will take up a role as a project manager, making him ineligible for Pride in the Job awards next year.

James continued: "The team were so happy, and even though it’s a site manager’s award they were happy for me and for the site.

"They said, ‘we felt we wanted to do it for you’ and that was nice to hear."

According to James, the secret to success is building an atmosphere where everyone on site understands expectations and ducks no work to avoid disappointing colleagues.