Ca coute combien?

From the minute we are born to the day we pass; our lives build up a plethora of moments, possessions, experiences and belongings. Many of these will have a price associated with them including seeing beautiful landscapes or the thrill of travelling fast yet the most valuable of these can never be bought because they are so precious. To attain them; you have to pay the ultimate price of time, effort and sacrifice.

For every single one of us, our most prized possessions are memories; none more greater for example than the birth of your child. I will forever be able to say; I was there. For others; watching foo fighters at noise and confusion but that all depends on what point in your life you are at.

If we take the time to truly recognise what makes us happy, we can find what we value the most.

The cost of this however, can be extreme and you must decide what price you are willing to pay. Risking what you have today or in one moment in time for the reward to come can be a tough choice to make and something we cannot even recognise sometimes. In part due to the distractions, “noise” and lure of short term rewards all around us. How much can we let pass and focus on ourselves for our pursuit of happiness.

At our passing; no amount of money or possessions can surpass the value of the impact we make on others or the mark we leave behind on this merry go round that is life. A Reliant Robin still gets you to the same destination as a Bugatti Veyron and I’m pretty certain more of you can name a driver (albeit character) of the first than anyone who has ever owned the second. You don’t have to start a revolution or cure cancer or become a global tycoon. Your very existence has made an impact on at least someone so let as many people as possible see your true greatness and don’t hide it away. Become everything you can be.

Today, spend just a few minutes doing something that adds value to yourself or maybe to others.

Remove any lyrics you want to but PF project said it well…choose life!