A BASINGSTOKE woman is opening a new crystal shop in the town after being inspired by her housemate who was a witch.

Molly Roche will open Turtle Tarot Emporium at Viables Craft Centre on Saturday, July 20, after doing tarot readings on TikTok.

The 24-year-old launched the business in 2020 and is excited to open her first shop in Basingstoke.

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Molly, with her dad, Mark and mum, Nancy (Image: Molly) Molly said: “I have always been interested in gems and minerals since I was younger as I wanted everything my older sister had. I had a few crystals during my teen years but university is where I found my love for them grew.”

Molly was suffering with her mental health at the time, but when a new housemate moved in she was inspired by her being a witch.

“They had a snake, plants all over their room and the most beautiful altar,” explained Molly, adding: “I fell in love with reading tarot cards and looking through all the different types of crystals. I brought my own deck and starter kit of witchy bits - then just flew.”

Molly began reading tarots for people on TikTok in 2019 and using crystals, before launching a themed subscription / mystery box business after growing her following.

The business was a huge success, leading to Molly selling spare, individual crystals which is how the online venture started.

“I grew the crystal side and that’s where my passion was,” explained Molly, who said business boomed during the Covid-19 pandemic when her house was filled with crystal deliveries to keep up with demand.

She then moved into an office space in 2022, supported by her mum, Nancy, and dad, Mark.

“It has become a family operation now,” she said, adding: “We then felt we needed an in-person selling space last year as we did so well at fairs and markets.”

She hopes to attract new customers to the shop and is planning to continue attending events across the country as well as read and teach tarot.

The shop will officially open on Saturday when a drag queen will cut the ribbon.