TWO young sports coaches are using their platform to "help as many children as possible" and inspire youngsters to participate in sports.

As previously reported, entrepreneurs Tyler Bradley and George Metzger, both 22 and from Basingstoke, set up GT Sports Academy in 2022.

Now with more than 10 coaches operating under the brand, Tyler told the Gazette about his motivations behind the company.

He said: "We felt that we could offer something different, being a more modern and fresh approach to teaching and coaching sports, specifically cricket.

READ MORE: Barbecue, pizza, auction and more at free charity colour run this month

Tyler and GeorgeTyler and George (Image: GT Sports Academy)

"Both being 20 at the time, we felt it was a fantastic opportunity to do something great and something that is going to make a huge impact on our future as well as so many children's futures.

"We have grown to a team of over 10 amazing coaches in such a short amount of time."

Tyler spoke of how he and George use their platform to help and inspire children to get into sports.

He said: "We wanted a way to be able to help out as many children as possible, if this is coaching cricket, PE in schools, our afterschool and holiday clubs.

"We wanted a way to inspire children to participate in sports and to show them how fun it can be."

At the end of the month, the pair will go one step further with their plan to help children, by holding a 'Colour Run' at Overton Cricket Club on July 26, raising money for children's charity Little Lives UK.

Tyler said: "A colour run is effectively a fun run, at the start, all participants will be given a packet of powder paint, and when ready everyone will throw their powder in the air, get covered in paint and then be on their way.

"Each lap they will get more paint that they can throw at each other and in the air.

"We decided to organise this colour run in order to raise money for a children's charity that specifically work with disadvantaged children."

The pair saw it as the perfect time to hold such an event, and want their brand to make a "huge impact" with charity work in the future.

Tyler said: "Due to all the schools breaking up next week, we had a few days free before our camps start for the summer, so felt that it would be a great opportunity to run an event and do something positive for the communities and the charity itself which is Little Lives UK.

"We feel this is a great stepping stone to make a huge impact in years to come, with huge plans for GT in the future to be able to do more charity work as a company we feel this a great first step."

"We are absolutely buzzing for the event, myself and the team can't wait to get things going, we have music, a barbecue, a pizza van, cricket speed challenges for batting and bowling, a gelato bike, a raffle and an auction with some huge prizes - one even includes a seven day holiday.

Details about the colour runDetails about the colour run (Image: GT Sports Academy)

"We are most excited about seeing everyone having a great afternoon, meeting new people, people smiling, kids having lots of fun and just the whole day really."

The event will begin at 3.30pm and the pair plan to start warm-ups at around 4.30pm.

Tyler said: "We feel it will be a great success and will be one step closer to making a big difference in the world."

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