ST Thomas care home successfully hosted a Summer Fete which was enjoyed by residents, staff, relatives, and community members.

The event took place on Saturday, July 13 in the grounds of the care home, which provides nursing and dementia care services for 67 residents.

Staff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer FeteStaff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer Fete (Image: Supplied)

The fete featured various activities throughout the day, from a BBQ and stalls to live performances.

Staff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer FeteStaff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer Fete (Image: Supplied)

Sweet treat options like candy floss and popcorn were also available for everyone attending.

Staff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer FeteStaff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer Fete (Image: Supplied)

The staff at St Thomas extended a warm welcome to all attendees and expressed joy at witnessing intergenerational fun. Residents appreciated the chance to engage with the local community and spoke highly of the event.

Staff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer FeteStaff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer Fete (Image: Supplied)

Not only did the weather comply until the event's conclusion, but St Thomas' staffers also earned praise for their impressive organisation and event execution.

Staff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer FeteStaff, residents and relatives enjoyed the St Thomas Summer Fete (Image: Supplied)

Maggie Zbroch, general manager at the home, said: "Staff at St Thomas Care Home are dedicated to making sure that the home is a hub of the local community, and this event, along with all their hard work, has definitely paid off. It was a resounding success!"