IT WAS interesting to read of passengers trying to get a No.8 bus to Basingstoke. We have exactly the same problem with the No.2 buses at the Rowan Road bus stop at 9.03am on Mondays.

I came to the bus stop at 8.55am. The bus due at 9.03. I saw on the screen as it registered 9am, 'Bus Cancelled' next bus due 9.18am. 

There were three people starting to panic they had suitcases they wanted to get the bus to Heathrow for a flight to the USA. They were frantically trying to contact a taxi company. I was waiting to get a bus to Basingstoke, another lady had a hospital appointment the time approached 9.18 but then it showed bus due at 9.22 then it said 9.25. So two buses had failed to come, yet I saw three going towards Baughurst! Where had they gone?

Then it showed bus due at 9.33. They are supposed to come every 15 minutes. The last one came at 8.48! Finally a taxi came for the people to get to Heathrow, just as they left TWO No.2 buses came together. What is the point of two coming together? This was 9.35. 

Three buses had gone towards Baughurst so why were they not turning and heading back to Basingstoke. I'd been there 40 minutes. This has happened twice so far in July.

Only one Monday did the bus come on time. Not everyone have their own vehicle, we rely on buses for hospital, trains, airport buses, bank and solicitor appointments. 

Come on Stagecoach!

Mr. T. Carter

New Road


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