THREE teenagers are standing trial after being accused of attempting to murder a man by riding at him with a machete.

Amman Majid, 18, of Chivers Close, Charlie Costen, 20, of Harlech Close and a 17-year-old boy from Thatcham, who cannot be named for legal reasons, have been charged with the attempted murder of Andrew Loake, 47, of Holyrood Close, in the evening of Tuesday, January 30 near the Black Bridge on Buckskin Lane, a court heard.

Majid is also charged with possessing a sharp blade in Buckskin Lane, on the same day, and with failing to disclose to police the key to access a mobile phone on June 4.

READ MORE: Teenager charged with attempted murder appears at crown court

Winchester Crown CourtWinchester Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

The trial which began on Monday, July 22, at Winchester Crown Court, is expected to last for three week. 

John Lloyd-Richards, prosecuting, said that on the night in question, the three teenagers had meet at The Academy Social and Sports Club in West Ham Lane before leaving at approximately 10.30pm.

Mr Loake was described by Mr Lloyd-Richards as a “Class A drug user”, who was approached by the teenagers while he was returning home at approximately 10.50pm after acquiring drugs.

Mr Lloyd-Richards said that Mr Loake, who was riding a pushbike, was then chased by two of the boys, who were riding an e-bike, before he was cornered, and then “frog marched” to the footpath where he was assaulted by the teenagers, who slashed his head hard enough to cause fractures to Mr Loake’s skull.

The prosecution said that the teenagers took Mr Loake’s phone and left, returning their homes after 11pm.

Blood belonging to Mr Loake was found at the scene of the crime, along with a hat and glasses which also belonged to him.

Addressing the jury, Mr Lloyd-Richards said that phone mast data collected by the Crown “was consistent with (the defendants) attending the club, and then being at the assault location”.

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He continued to say that the data acquired was not consistent with the teenagers going home after leaving the club, as they claim to have done.

Mr Lloyd-Richards also showed the jury footage collected from CCTV cameras, dashcam footage and video collected from Ring doorbell cameras.

Part of the footage showed a figure, believed by the prosecution to be the 17-year-old defendant, returning to his home at approximately 11.10pm, long after he said he had returned home at 10.45pm.

Mr Lloyd-Richards ended his opening arguments by saying that the boys “must have been attempting to kill (Mr Loake)”, as that is the only explanation for their actions.

The trial continues.