ACCORDING to research by Tesco, 39 per cent of families in South East England are anxious about feeding their children in the school holidays.

To assist, Tesco stores in Basingstoke have launched several initiatives.

Through the Stronger Starts programme, customers are encouraged to round up their bills to the nearest pound – the proceeds will go toward FareShare and the Trussell Trust. Pre-packed donation bags will also be available in stores in Basingstoke.

Claire De Silva, head of communities at Tesco, said: "Too often families with too little support during the holidays see their children miss out on the good stuff every child deserves – not just for their physical health but for their mental wellbeing as well.

READ MORE: Basingstoke Foodbank urging families not to miss out on support

"If we all pull together over the coming months, whether that’s popping a few tins into a food collection point, picking up a food donation bag in our stores or rounding up our grocery bill, we can make a difference to the lives of thousands of children, who, without support, could have a tough summer holiday."

Emma Revie, CEO at the Trussell Trust, said: “We are extremely grateful to Tesco for their generous donation and are excited to partner with them to launch these in-store summer activities, making it easier for people to support their local food bank throughout the holidays."

Tesco's popular Kids Eat Free initiative will be in operation in store cafes.