A BASINGSTOKE artist has raised money for the Ark Cancer Charity by selling his paintings.

Neil Jepson last week held exhibition at the Basingstoke Conservative Club, in Bounty Road, after he was approached by club manager Iain Lawson.

The 43-year-old, who paints in his spare time, said: “It was very good and very busy, people were very excited by the work.

“I didn’t really want the fuss, but I realised that these paintings need to be seen.”

Neil, who is a business consultant, said that Iain is ‘quite enterprising’ and supported him in showing off his work.

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In total Neil raised £120 for the Ark Cancer Charity, but hopes to raise more with the sale of a large painting of a turtle.

He said the hardest painting to sell was one he created of an elephant, with Neil saying it was ‘painful’ to see it go but worth it for the good cause.

Neil has been painting since early childhood and enjoys working with most mediums including watercolour, acrylics and oil paints.

To see more of Neil’s work, search JepsonArts81 on Instagram.