A CONSERVATIVE leader hopeful has met with Tory members in Basingstoke. 

Conservative Party leadership candidate Tom Tugendhat MP met Conservative Party members from across the county in Basingstoke on Friday, August 9 as part of his tour of local associations across the UK.

He pledged to local members and activists that he would unite the party, regain the trust of the British people, and win the next General Election. 

Speaking to party members in Basingstoke, Mr Tugendhat argued that despite significant achievements, including education reform and the introduction of Universal Credit, the Conservative Party lost the General Election because it failed to deliver what it promised, including on tax and immigration. 

READ MORE: Battle among Conservative factions following disastrous election showing

Tom Tugendhat announced his bid for the Tory leadership last month (Image: PA)

He made it clear that this leadership election is about choice. A choice between drawing a line under the infighting and broken promises of the past and a future focused on uniting the party, rebuilding it around core Conservative values and being ready to take the fight to Labour and win in five years’ time.

Mr Tugendhat pledged to win back the British people’s trust by focusing on delivery and rebuilding the Party around traditional Conservative principles, which he has always fought for, including when he voted against Covid vaccine passports and did not support the National Insurance rise.

He also spoke about his record of delivery whilst commanding troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in Parliament. He was one of the first MPs to warn about the threat of Russia and China. And as security minister, he was responsible for the National Security Act, which resulted in Britain arresting and charging more Russian and Chinese spies in his time as minister than in the previous decade.

Mr Tugendhat also thanked members and activists for their dedication during the last election and the many years that preceded it. Recognising their hard work, he promised to put members back at the heart of the Party and outlined why he believes their voices should be not only heard, but protected.

Shadow security minister Mr Tugendhat said: “I am delighted to be joining you here in Basingstoke. These next few months are critical for the Conservative Party. We need to have an honest conversation about the future of our party and how we rebuild from the ground up. The choice ahead of us is clear: we must draw a line under the infighting and broken promises, and unite the Conservative Party so that we can win in five years’ time.

SEE ALSO: Tom Tugendhat gets backing from two top Tories for party leadership

“Local associations and members are the backbone of the Conservative Party. It is their hard work and dedication that drive Conservative values forward. Sadly, over the past few years, instead of fighting for these traditional values - including lower taxes, controlled immigration, and personal freedoms - we have too often fought among ourselves. We didn’t do what we said we would, and we lost the trust of the British people.

“This is what I will put an end to. As leader of the Conservative Party, I will unite our party, rebuild trust with the British people, and win in five years’ time. I look forward to working with everyone across our Conservative family to achieve this and deliver for the British people.”