A DAY of celebration showcasing African stories, food and games will take place in Basingstoke this month, aiming to "unite" all communities in the town.

Coinciding with Carnival Weekend, which will culminate with the famous Notting Hill Carnival take place in London, Africa United Diaspora is holding a free-to-attend event at the Carnival Hall in Basingstoke.

Taking place on Saturday, August 24, between 1pm and 4pm, the day will be filled with vibrant music, food, colour and culture, offering the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich traditions and diverse heritage of Africa.

The family day will also feature short talks, games and speed networking for businesses and will be attended by the Parliamentary serjeant-at-arms, Ugbana Oyet, as well as the Mayor of Basingstoke, Cllr Dan Putty and the Mayor of Hart and Rushmoor, Cllr Mara Makunura.

SEE ALSO: Africa Day marked in Basingstoke with special awards ceremony

Africa day of celebrationAfrica day of celebration (Image: Dr Tunde Adelakun)

Dr Tunde Adelakun, head of Africa united Diaspora, said: "We want to showcase Africa in as positive a light as possible. We want to bring the best of Africa out on the day. It will be a day for music, food, sports and games and a few speeches and business presentations. An avenue for business networking amongst Africans. Educational support and charitable initiatives.

"There is a lot of good in African people. And in Africa as a continent. One of the problems is that people tend to highlight the negatives. And we are under no illusions. There are negatives.

Sergeant-at-arms Ugbana OyetSerjeant-at-arms Ugbana Oyet

"But just as well, there are lots of good stories and our desire is to bring out the positives in Africans who have made home and habitat in various other countries and to use these positives to inspire more positive stories and development in that continent.

"We want to use these celebrations to inspire a good future for our African youth in Basingstoke, to make sure we keep our people proudly aligned with the continent that is Africa.

"And I know there are many people who want to showcase just how much they have achieved, how Basingstoke has come to serve as a welcoming home to them and how we can use these great stories to contribute in whatever small way to the development of Africa. 

"Personally, it is my dream to bring the African community together globally, hence the name United.

"Because, as we say, 'united, we are stronger', and a stronger people will mean a better environment, as we will certainly all pull in the same direction."