A WHITCHURCH resident has been left feeling unsafe and anxious in his own home after ongoing structural issues with his balcony and roof have gone unresolved for months, despite numerous complaints to his housing association.

Dylan Blay, who lives at Bellevue, has been battling with Sovereign Network Group (SNG) for more than seven months over a collapsing balcony that has caused significant damage.

The crumbling balcony has not only led to safety concerns but has also allowed rainwater to seep into his home, causing damp, mould, and damage to his carpet.

The 24-year-old first noticed the issues with the balcony more than seven months ago and immediately reported it to SNG.

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Dylan said the balcony issue has been going on for seven monthsDylan said the balcony issue has been going on for seven months (Image: Newsquest)

However, despite assurances that the issue would be addressed, Dylan says the issue still hasn't been sorted. 

"Most recently I made a complaint, and SNG said they would respond within 10 days, but I haven’t got a response yet," he said.

The situation has left Dylan feeling increasingly unsafe in his own home.

SNG has placed metal poles and boards under the balcony as a temporary measure, but these have created additional hazards.

Sovereign has now placed metal poles under the balcony, but no permanent action has been takenSNG has now placed metal poles under the balcony, but no permanent action has been taken (Image: Newsquest)

Dylan claimed an elderly neighbour living downstairs tripped over one of the poles and was left lying on the ground for two hours, calling for help.

Dylan's roof is also in disrepair and last Friday, a roof tile fell off, leaving a hole on the roof.

He said SNG acknowledged that the roof needs to be entirely redone, but he doesn't think it will be done anytime soon due to the ongoing wait over the balcony.

Dylan BlayDylan Blay (Image: Newsquest)

Dylan added that his kitchen is also damaged. He said he was promised a new kitchen when he moved in four years ago, but that promise remains unfulfilled.

"My worktops are falling off, cupboard doors are falling off," Dylan said. "They said they would fix it, but they haven’t sent anyone."

The unresolved issues have taken a significant toll on his mental health.

Already struggling with anxiety and depression, Dylan said the ongoing neglect by SNG has only worsened his condition.

Dylan says his kitchen worktop is also falling offDylan says his kitchen worktop is also falling off (Image: Newsquest)

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"I feel down, depressed. They are taking all this money for rent, but they are not doing anything to sort it," he said.

Dylan, who is unemployed and relies on Universal Credit, feels abandoned by the housing association that should be ensuring his home is safe.

"I have tried everything. I have given up now," he said.

A spokesperson for SNG said: "On the occasions Mr Blay contacted us about his balcony and his roof, our team attended the same day.  Props were fitted immediately to the balcony to ensure that no further movement could take place whilst a structural survey was made. These props are monitored weekly. The survey showed that the balcony could be repaired and we are engaging contractors with the aim of this being completed within the next six weeks. Our customer directly below the balcony has been offered a temporary move while we await works but has declined this.

"When Mr Blay contacted us last Friday (August 9) the area directly beneath the defective mortar on the roof was cordoned off pending section 20 agreements for a holding repair, which requires scaffolding. This temporary repair will be made ahead of a full roof replacement that will take place as soon as possible.

 "An inspection of the condition of the kitchen will be made this week, pending Mr Blay's agreement. If the kitchen is in need of replacement this will happen as soon as possible, and if any elements are considered to impact the health or safety of Mr Blay these will be addressed immediately after the inspection."