A PERSISTENT thief who was involved in dealing Class A drugs in Basingstoke has been jailed.

Adrian O’Leary, of no fixed abode, was caught in Basingstoke dealing crack cocaine and diamorphine on March 26. 

He appeared at Winchester Crown Court on Tuesday, August 13, where he was given a 10-month prison sentence.

The court was told that between September 18 and October 11, O’Leary also stole more than £3,000 worth of items from the One Stop shop in Shakespeare Road. He was jailed for four months in October last year for these offences. 

Judge Timothy Mousley KC was told that the 45-year-old has been making efforts to stop using drugs. 

READ MORE: Basingstoke man jailed for multiple shoplifting offences

In mitigation, Chloe Jay said: “This is the first time he’s been drug-free in a decade and he says he feels fantastic. He’s been working as a mentor in the prison. This could really, genuinely be a turning point for him. He’s really motivated to stay drug free.”

Ms Jay explained to the court that O’Leary had a “fairly traumatic childhood”, and that his drug habit began after the "tragic" deaths of his sister and his sister’s daughter.

In sentencing, the judge noted that O’Leary has made efforts to wean himself off methadone.

Judge Mousley continued: “You played a lesser role into the supplying of the Class A drugs.

“There is hopefully at last some sign you are addressing the problems you have had for all your adult life. You have no previous offences for drugs but you have a long record of other offences.”