AT last, someone who is not afraid to tell the truth.

I am referring to our police and crime commissioner, who has been vilified for comparing the recent riots to a rebellion to illegal immigration. MPs and even the former chief crown prosecutor have condemned Donna Jones’ comments as being totally unacceptable. There have even been calls for her dismissal.

READ MORE: Top police chief under fire for saying protestors are 'upholding British values'

The critics, in voicing their anger, reveal their complete lack of understanding as to the reasons behind the current unrest. Be in no doubt that man is still a tribal animal despite the advance of civilisation. When man sees the carnage inflicted on small children by an individual from another land, the reality of the parlous situation in our country is brought immediately into the spotlight. You cannot ignore that fact.

Another 800 illegals have landed on our shores in the last week. We don’t know who they are, but we do know the risks to our normally peaceful co-existence.

Shame on those who have not supported our commissioner for telling the truth.

Hugh Sawyer

Foyle Park


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