THIS is a list of planning applications submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in the week ending Sunday, August 11.

24/01838/GPDE Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing garage (permitted development notification) - 21 Blenheim Road, Old Basing

24/01755/ROC Variation of condition 1 of 22/00904/HSE (Part single storey, part two storey extensions to rear. Reconfiguration and extensions to first floor including first floor terrace with balcony. Glazed covered link to single storey games room following demolition of existing. Replacement porch and ground floor bay windows to front elevation.) to allow amendments to the roof, 3 no. new dormer windows, a Juliet balcony and addition of low level plinth wall to existing and extension areas in red facing brick - Upton House, Basingstoke Road, Upton Grey

24/01747/HSE Pavilion style side addition - Hollebeke House, Gore End Road, Ball Hill

24/01729/HSE Alterations to form pitched roof porch, erection of a single storey rear extension with roof lantern and alterations to fenestration - 165 Kempshott Lane, Basingstoke

24/01713/FUL External works to include cladding the existing brick facade in a composite steel sheet, new fixed light windows and enclosing the two external fire escape staircases in a steel mesh - Taylormade Court, Jays Close, Basingstoke

24/01673/HSE Extension of existing garage to form ground floor office to include creation of new pitched roof with 2 no. roof lights. Creation of first floor rear extension above existing and replacement of existing flat roof on main dwelling with pitched roof to include 1 no. roof light - 2 Trent Way, Basingstoke

24/01559/RES Erection of a 4 bed dwelling and detached garage following outline permission 22/02313/OUT – Pippins, Monk Sherborne Road, Sherborne St John

24/01530/FUL Replacement cabin building – Allotments, Elizabeth Road, Basingstoke

T/00394/24/TCA Norway Maple located in the middle of the boundary hedge (Lonicera) between #30 and Buttercup House. As this tree is in poor condition, with dead and dying branches the professional advice has been to remove it. Additionally, its position of approximately 2 metres from the southerly house wall of #30 is a concern regarding possible root damage to the property. This request is to cut the tree down below the height of the hedge and to treat the stump to prevent re-growth - 30 Milkingpen Lane, Old Basing

T/00391/24/TCA Removal of lower limb overhanging neighbours property, removal will significantly balance the tree - 31 Southern Road, Basingstoke