Delivering the change Basingstoke desperately needs, I want to start by saying thank you to everyone right across Basingstoke.

It’s an honour to represent our town in Parliament, and I am incredibly grateful for the support I received in the campaign.

This election, change was on the ballot. By voting for me – and for the first ever Basingstoke Labour MP – change is what people voted for.

Luke Murphy MPLuke Murphy MP (Image: UK Parliament) Regardless of whether you voted for me enthusiastically, leant me your vote, voted for someone else or didn’t vote at all – I will work everyday to repay or earn your trust.

I will be an MP for all of Basingstoke – from Oakley to Chineham – and everywhere in between – working tirelessly in the interests of our town.

During the campaign, I heard people's stories, worries, and anger about the state of our town and villages, as well as our country, and what they wanted their MP to do.

A lot of the things that people thought they could depend on were broken. Not being able to see a GP for weeks at a time, experiencing anti-social behaviour, and crumbling roads.

Your frustrations and ambitions will guide my actions every day as your MP. These issues won't be fixed overnight, but I'm impatient for change, so I've hit the ground running. I've started to set up my new office, recruit for my team, hold surgeries, manage urgent casework, and meet with the NHS, police, local council, housing associations, and local businesses, among others.

I’ve worked closely with the police, the Home Office, and faith and local community groups regarding the terrible riots we’ve seen across the country, to get regular updates and provide reassurance. Following swift action by the government and police, those responsible are already feeling the full force of the law. Their actions do not represent the values of Basingstoke or our country.

Our new government has also acted quickly to lift the onshore wind ban; acted against the water companies by ringfencing funding for critical infrastructure; begun the process of returning our railways to public ownership; ended harmful and costly strikes by reaching settlements with public servants; and launched Skills England to create new opportunities for our young people.

But there is much more to do. My mission is to be the most visible and accessible MP Basingstoke has ever had and to be a strong champion for our town locally and nationally.

If there is anything I can do, please get in touch by emailing and I will do everything I can to help."